Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!


I couldn't pull myself from the keyboard and within three days the Kwame stories rain from heaven. I have pretty much regulated myself to the fact with this being so early in 2008 that the Kilpatrick Conspiracy will continue to dominate local news coverage – period.

(Note from Editor: Before I could make this posting Christine Beatty resigned and Prince Kilpatrick is scheduled to make his "Kum Baa Yah" speech tomorrow at 7:30 (which coincidentally is "Church Night" around town in Detroit for those who don't live around these parts) so you see how fast the news travels.) By the way, I was on point as I said via option four of the Kwame Manifesto and rule three in the epilogue of my previous post that this would happen. I expect interview calls from the media for my continued input as this story gains traction. I only ask that you muffle my voice and have me behind one of those cool dark screens:)

My question is that the State of the City address is approaching real fast in February. Kilpatrick couldn't possibly present without a cattle call of resistance from the masses (unless they screen all the attendees through a “I Love Kwame” text message detector) so I can guess that he will have his deputy Mayor Anthony Adams to speak or postpone.

So let’s examine the Kim Worthy incident. On the day before the scandal broke Kilpatrick made a phone call to the Wayne County Prosecutor advising that he was going to remain neutral in the upcoming election as Worthy seeks her second term. What’s interesting about the call is the timing. Kwame and Kim have a warm relationship. So warm that Worthy’s spokesperson mentioned that they have only talked about 3-4 times in the last four years. Without rehashing history between the two let’s just say they are far from friends. In actuality political enemies.

As Malcolm X used to say “Make it plain!” So without further adieu let me breakdown the Kilpatrick strategy and the REAL reason behind that phone call for those who don’t quite understand. This is his thought process…..

Kilpatrick upon receiving word from the Detroit Free Press that the text message story is going to hit the next day and they are soliciting comment knows that the (you know what) is going to hit the fan and it’s time for damage control. A simple apology won’t suffice as an Attorney he knows that committing the most egregious of offenses – the act of perjury - the ultimate penalty could be worse than losing office – it could be the jail cell.

So what do you do?

Time is of the essence. He figures that if he can just eliminate the possibility of the perjury charge he can manipulate the masses just long enough to hang around until the next election and start all over.

So to eliminate the charge you have to eliminate the one person who can bring prosecutable wrath. That person is Kim Worthy. Ideally, Kwame was hoping for one of two things to happen as a result of that phone call.

1) Worthy would opt not to press charges.
2) Worthy would refer the case to Attorney General Michael Cox.

Knowing that Cox is a personal friend who already has had his own martial infidelities and proved that he was inept at investigating the mansion Incident would be easily manipulated and the case closed.

The call is made with the offering to Worthy that he would stay neutral in the next campaign. Why not just say he was going to support her? That would appear disingenuous sending up an immediate red flag to someone who knows that Kilpatrick is a feisty adversary.

The offer to remain neutral was in essence a method of support. In actuality he’s saying that to not oppose her is to abstain from putting his political might and money behind another candidate.

The phone call to Worthy- a person that he has no political influence or friendly affiliation – was a drastic act of desperation. Worthy is planning to do an investigation. Options are now dwindling and expect Kwame to now turn his attention toward two remaining options – a white collar criminal defense firm to plan a vigorous defense (good luck finding an unbiased jury) and manipulating the city council to garner the six votes needed to not boot him from office. The saga continues….

Next Up:

It gets juicy.....REAL juicy

Stay tuned for my viewpoint of what to expect from Kwames criminal defense attorney. He has one defense and one defense only and I'll give you a hint... It has something to do with the theory of illegal search and seizure. Don't quite understand? Just stay tuned....

Also coming up... An analysis of his "press" conference and why my biggest issue with Kilpatrick is not the perjury or infidelity - it's something else that cast a big shadow on this city and race relations....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am anxious to hear your "take" on the apology last nite. What did you think of Carlita's suit? I'm not clear what "message" she was trying to send with her outfit....and, going back to the 80s and power dressing/dressing for success...what was the significance of the yellow tie (certainly not "I'm a yellow-bellied lying bastard")

Please write more soon - I enjoy your insights