Friday, February 15, 2008

Links for Additional Info....

Many readers have either contributed links in association with this story or provided information. For your viewing pleasure these are sites to learn more about this story:

For comprehensive information on the appeal documents and everything else associated with the case goto:

For the rap video on Strawberry:;jsessionid=D7AA70F814E923177D1C4DC2BD77D4B2?contentId=5751060&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

For information on Tamara Greene select:

For a cool page from our local news station WDIV in Detroit on the scandal:

This pretty much covers it. I understand that I'm not the only Blog covering this story. I'm curious to read some of the others. Please submit those links so I can take a visit. Perhaps I can share knowledge with another author.

See Ya!



Anonymous said...

My friend and I have been promoting Kwame-gate related stuff here.

Anonymous said...

I submit for your reading pleasure, the following blog & Kwame related posts:


* Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - "Manoogian Megalomania",
"The Banana Republic of Detroit"

* Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - "Cowardice of Manoogian Magnitude"

* Friday, January 25, 2008 - "The Mayor is LOL LOL! Damn That. Never Busted."

I hope you appreciate this writer's commentary, humor & photos as much as I do.

Kwame Exposed said...

Thanks..thats some damn good writing on that other site. I'll have to get in contact with that author as well.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see the focus also pointed at who was Kilpatrick's enablers.

Whatever efforts the courts take to address our Mayor actions, I am hopeful an independent agency whether the Michigan State Police/Attorney General's office or a Federal law enforcement agency will investigated and immediately take corrective action to address the loopholes that allowed the Kwame Kilpatrick's craziness go for so long without detection.

This scandal is much more than just taxpayers money squandered – it also demonstrates Detroit has lost much of the democratic principles guaranteeing checks and balances of powers within the government that our country stands for.

Our residents deserve SO much more.